Welcome to your haven from the whirlwind of parenthood.

Here, we're all about keeping it real

I specialize in turning parenting challenges into moments of zen and meltdowns into memorable milestones (or at least, ones we can laugh about later)…because let's face it, motherhood isn't always rainbows and unicorn kisses (although we wouldn't say no to those either). Whether you're juggling work, diapers, and a never-ending to-do list or just need someone to commiserate with about the challenges of life transitions, I’ve got you covered.

At Nurture Counseling, PLLC, I believe in fostering growth, healing, and transformation. My practice is dedicated to providing compassionate and personalized therapy services to individuals seeking support on their journey towards mental wellness.

Experience a space of encouragement and connection, where therapy blends with lightheartedness, and every day is a new chapter waiting to be written. Let's do this!

I might be the right therapist for you if…

  • You're tired of Googling "Is it normal to cry this much after having a baby?"

  • You've ever wondered if "mom brain" is a legitimate diagnosis.

  • You're tired of feeling guilty for laughing at memes and Tik Toks instead of folding laundry.

  • You're ready to process the madness of motherhood and find strength in the messiness.

  • You're looking for a therapist who gets it, from pregnancy brain to mood swings to dealing with the toddler tantrums…