10 Fun Activities to Do with Your Baby During Therapy Sessions

Hey, mama! So, you've got a therapy session coming up, but the little munchkin is demanding your attention? Fear not! With telehealth therapy sessions on the rise, you can now bring your baby along for the ride. In this blog post, we're spilling the beans on ten hilariously effective ways to keep your tiny human entertained while you tackle your therapy session like a boss.

  1. Baby Massage: Take advantage of the soothing benefits of baby massage during your therapy session. Gently massage your baby's arms, legs, and back while discussing your thoughts and feelings with your therapist.

  2. Tummy Time: Set up a cozy tummy time mat or blanket near your therapy space. Engage your baby in tummy time activities while you participate in your session, encouraging their development while getting the support you need.

  3. Sensory Play: Explore sensory activities with your baby, such as playing with textured toys, exploring different fabrics, or making sensory bottles. These activities can help keep your little one engaged while you focus on your therapy session.

  4. Baby-Wearing: Invest in a comfortable baby carrier or wrap and wear your baby during your therapy session. This allows you to have your hands free while keeping your baby close and secure.

  5. Story Time: Incorporate story time into your therapy session by reading books to your baby. Choose colorful board books or interactive stories to keep your little one entertained while you engage with your therapist.

  6. Singing and Music: Sing nursery rhymes or play soothing music in the background while you participate in your therapy session. Music can have a calming effect on both you and your baby, creating a peaceful atmosphere for your session.

  7. Baby Gym: Set up a baby gym or play mat with dangling toys and sensory activities for your little one to explore. This provides a safe and stimulating environment for your baby while you focus on your therapy session.

  8. Baby Sign Language: Introduce simple baby sign language during your therapy session, teaching your baby basic signs for communication. This can be a fun and interactive way to engage with your little one while addressing your own emotional needs.

  9. Outdoor Time: If weather permits, take your therapy session outdoors and enjoy some fresh air with your baby. Set up a cozy outdoor space with blankets and toys, allowing you to connect with nature while you connect with your therapist.

  10. Baby Talk: Finally, don't forget the power of simple conversation with your baby. Engage in baby talk, cooing, and babbling with your little one throughout your therapy session, creating a nurturing and supportive environment for both of you.

Therapy sessions with baby in tow? Challenge accepted! With these seven heartfelt activities up your sleeve, you'll not only nurture your bond with your baby but also embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery like never before. So, grab your baby, unleash your inner mama bear, and let the therapeutic bonding begin!


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